Daniel Case | A mid-channel bar just above a wider meander at a bend of Esopus Creek in Hurley, NY, USA | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mid-channel_bar_in_Esopus_Creek_at_Hurley,_NY.jpg | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
The town of Hurley, New York was subject to a draft consent order from the state seeing $77.976.58 for work that would identify the former town landfill as a contaminated Superfund site. The order also requires Hurley to develop a citizens’ participation plan. The goal of the plan is to involve residents’ input on cleanup and future management of the landfill site.
A ‘preliminary’ designation to the former landfill was issued as a result of activities and incidents that have resulted in a heightened level of concern with how much contamination is leaching from the site. Testing at the landfill found leachate overflowing with PFOA and PFOS in private wells down-gradient of the site.