Soil sampling performed by the EPA and Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy found varying levels of contamination at the following parks, Belanger Park, Great Lakes Athletic Field, and John Jakubowski Park in the city of River Rouge. The EPA defines soil lead hazard as bare soil at or exceeding 400 parts per million on residential property or on a property with a child-occupied facility.
Belanger Park soil samples found elevated levels of lead and cadmium above the EPA’s residential direct contact criteria. As a result, sections of the Park were closed until remediation could begin.
The Great Lakes Athletic Field soil samples for the top 6 inches were found to be below the EPA’s residential contact criteria; however, higher levels of lead and cadmium samples were found below 6 inches.
Soil samples at John Jakubowski Park found contamination below the EPA’s residential contact criteria in the top 6 inches of soil but found lead and cadmium at higher levels deeper down in the soil.