Dai Sugano/Bay Area News Group
San Jose leaders approved a $750,000 settlement for 240 renters and property owners whose properties suffered damage in the 2017 Coyote Creek Flood. This settlement finally came 4 years after the residents of the area sued the Santa Clara Valley Water District and Santa Clara County. The claims alleged that residents were not properly warned of the flooding and that the defendants were aware of debris in the channel blocking the flow of water and did nothing to address the situation.
The 2017 Coyote Creek flooding forced 14,000 people to evacuate their properties. Although Santa Clara County was dismissed from the trial, Santa Clara Valley Water District is still active with a trial date of May 2, 2022. The $750,000 settlement was approved by the city council and residents say this money may all go towards hiring expert witnesses in their case against the water district.