Real Estate Damage

Natural Disasters

Superfund Sites

Investment Analysis

Neighborhood Impact Studies

Real Estate Fraud

Terrorist Attacks

Right of Way Issues

Market Trends

Disaster Zones

Real Estate Portfolio Valuation

Nuclear Test Sites

Fire Damage

Utility Easements

Environmental Contamination

Historic Properties

Construction Defects


Spent Nuclear Waste

Hurricane Damage

Contaminated Waterways

Fire Risk Zones

Earthquake Damage


Oil Spills

Property Tax Assessment

Water Intrusion

Superfund Sites



Radioactive Waste

Environmental Contamination

Airport Noise Studies

Nuclear Waste Landfills

Hurricane Damage

Power Line Corridors


Memorial Sites

Historic Properties


Crime Scenes

Ground Water Contamination

Airport Noise

Geotechnical Issues


Natural Disasters


Abandoned Mines

Neighborhood Contamination


Stigma Issues

Contaminated Waterways

Environmental Remediation Sites

Neighborhood Odor Issues

Nuclear Weapons Test Sites

Property Valuation

Industrial Contamination


Radioactive Areas

Memorial Sites

Mass Suicide

Natural Resource Damage

Illegal Dumping

Hurricane Damage

Earthquake Damage

Crime Scene Stigma

Cultural Resource Damage

Pipeline Leaks


Cell Towers


Sewage Treatment Plant Proximity

Flood Studies

Groundwater Contamination

Oil Production Issues

Pipeline Easements


Redevelopment Zones

Illegal Dumping

Investment Analysis

Historic Properties

Brownfield Redevelopment

Pipeline Leaks

Natural Hazard Zones

Gas Emissions

Eminent Domain

Water Access

Flood Zones

Right of Way

Dam Breach

Agricultural Pesticide Spills

Construction Delays

Cell Towers

Height Restrictions

Power Plants

Leaking Underground Storage Tanks


Nuclear Spills

Tilting High-Rise Towers

Arena Condemnation

Iconic Landmarks


Flowage Easement

Landmark Research group
A Team with National and interNational Experience

Appraisal Institute Text
Offers Expert Advice on complex valuation
Real Estate Damages: Third Edition,
By Randall Bell, PhD, MAI
This updated publication provides valuation professionals with a framework for applying fundamental economic principles and innovative appraisal techniques to address the unique problems that arise in these complex valuation situations.
A comprehensive and valuable resource for all real estate professionals, the updated edition of Real Estate Damages offers:
Basic tools for detrimental condition analysis
A review of the ten classifications of detrimental conditions
Straightforward approaches to solving complex valuation problems with added discussion of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the 2004 tsunami and Hurricane Katrina
New case studies on landslides, infestation, mold and construction defects
Updated and expanded listings of reference works and relevant agencies, associations and online resources